There are many factors that go into managing a Google Ad Words account that needs consideration and careful adjustments to get the best results and return on investment. These adjustments are explained in detail below (in random order):
Keyword Selection: - The process of finding the correct keywords to target, and those that give the best Return on Investment.
Keyword Matching:-By making use of targeting options, including a broad, exact sense, and exact match negative correspondence, corresponding integrated employment if necessary.
Position Preference:- Selection of the desired preference of your adverts to visitors that attract the most likely to "convert" into paying customers.
Country/Region targeting:- We can target your ads to specific countries and change those ads depending on their intended audience.
Language Targeting:- Target your ads to only people who speak a certain language.
Start/End Dates:- Specify start and end dates for your campaigns.
Budget:- Preset a specific amount to be spent daily on your entire account or across various campaigns.
Ad Scheduling:- Run your ads at certain times of the day, or certain days per week to maximize ROI.
Google Networks:- Choose to show your ads only on Google, Google's Search Network, and the Content Network.
Keyword Bids:- Manage bids on each individual keyword as well as setting the price for content bids on Google's Content Network.
Exclude Sites:- Exclude sites to show your ads on Google's Content Network or choose those that you wish to display your ads on.
Campaign Creation:-Create different campaigns to maximize your ROI. Separate countries to target, languages to target, create separate budgets for different departments in your company etc.
Ad Group Creation:- Create unique Ad Groups for different products or services.
Conversion Tracking:- Monitor conversions from a visitor to a paying customer or determine your own conversions such as a series of page views, signup to a newsletter, or a website inquiry.
Cross Channel Tracking:- Track other online advertising campaigns through your Google Ad words Account. Yahoo Search Marketing, Banner Ads, email campaigns, etc.
Analytics Setup/Monitoring:- Track your visitors with Google Analytics to view a huge range of information including:
- Daily Visitors
- Visits & Pageview Tracking
- Goal Conversion Tracking (Requires additional setup)
- Absolute Unique Visitors
- Visitor Loyalty
- Visitor Regency
- New vs. Returning
- Referring Source
- Geo Location
- Network Location
- Language
- Domains
- CPC Analysis
- Ad Words Analysis
- Overall Keyword Conversion
- Ad Words Keywords Positions
- CPC vs. Organic Conversions
- Ad Version Testing
- Top Content
- Dynamic Content
- Depth of Visit
- Length of Visit
- Entrance Bounce Rates
- Top Exit Points
- Goal Tracking (Requires additional setup)
- Browser Versions
- Platform Versions
- Screen Resolutions
- and More!!!
- All this information is combined with a successful advertising campaign that will reduce the number of impressions, reduce your cost per click (CPC), increase your click-through rate (CTR), increase your Quality Score and increase your return on investment ( ROI).